Friday, October 12, 2012

What's In the FRIIDDDGGGEEE!!!???!!! Friday!


The cupboards and fridge were pretty bare this morning, which means I had to get super creative and/or need to visit my boy Trader Joe. Continuing; here's the little number I managed to make.

Scrounged up Food:
- Potato (shredded)
- Bacon (ends & pieces)
- Lentils
- Mushrooms
- Garlic (diced)
- Egg
- Avocado
- S&P
- Sriracha

Cooked down the bacon in a skillet, added everything but the egg and sriracha and cooked it for 5-7 minutes. Cracked the mother F in egg on top and popped it in the oven for another 10 or so. After the egg seemed cooked I topped it with the sliced avocado and some sriracha and HOUSED it!

Nap Time.

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