Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Found Journal, Return Whenever

I really like journals. I have a few and only write in them sporadically. I usually just open to a random page and jot some thoughts or sketches down. No particular order and sometimes not even dated. It's fun to go back and read the entries later.

I found one of these journals the other day and thumbed to a paragraph I had written when I heard Heath Ledger died. I guess it affected me more than I knew;

'A truly talented and especially gifted individual passed away today at the age of 28. At the valley of his maturity and the very cusp of his creativity, he lost grip and could not regain composure. He was 4 years older than me! I don't know why this particular gentleman's early death hit me so hard, but it made me think. Every day counts!'

I'm 28 years old now and the passage has again ignited a need for reflection. But mostly a realization of those last three words.

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